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Dwyer 蝶阀 WE20系列

Lug or Wafer, EPDM or PTFE, Electric or Pneumatic Actuators

WE20系列蝶阀有凸耳式或晶圆式阀体,配置聚四氟乙烯或三元乙丙橡胶衬垫。WE20系列蝶阀最关键的方面是插装阀座设计,这减轻了与普通“鸽尾设计”阀座相关的安装问题。由于阀座动力学不依赖于两个法兰之间的耦合,因此阀门扭矩更低,也更一致。阀瓣和阀体的精密加工使得插装结构能够保持更紧密的阀瓣与阀座的公差,每次阀门循环时都提供完美的低扭矩密封。阀座到阀瓣密封独立于法兰支撑,能够进行全额定终端应用。执行机构直接安装,为紧凑的空间创建一个紧凑的总成。限位开关可以直接安装在阀门上,从而实现远程位置指示。WE20系列可配置电动或气动执行器。电动执行器有耐候性或防爆性,多种供电电压和双位置或调制控制。双位置执行器使用电源电压驱动阀门开启或关闭,而调制执行器接受4-20 mA输入来进行阀门定位。执行机构具有热过载保护和永久润滑齿轮系统。气动双作用执行器利用供气来驱动阀门开启和关闭。执行器有两个供气口,一个驱动阀门开启,另一个驱动阀门关闭。弹簧复位气动执行器利用供气打开阀门,内加载弹簧将阀门复位到关闭位置。




Service    Compatible liquids, gases, and steam.

Body    2-way, wafer or lug butterfly.

Line Sizes    2 to 12".

End Connections    Lug and wafer pattern designed for flanges that are ANSI Class 125 (B16.1) and ANSI Class 150 (B16.5) dimension.

压力范围    225 psi (15.5 bar).

Wetted Materials    Body Material: Ductile iron; Disc: 316 SS; Seat: EPDM or PTFE; O-ring: EPDM; Stem: 410 SS.

Temperature Limits    Disc: EPDM: -50 to 250°F (-46 to 121°C);

                                      PTFE: 0 to 300°F (-18 to 149°C).

Bearings    Nylatron.

Operator    2 to 6" 10-position locking hand lever; 8 to 12": manual gear.



Pneumatic “DA” and “SR” Series Type    DA series is double acting and SR series is spring return (rack and pinion).

Normal Supply Pressure    DA: 40 to 115 psi (2.7 to 7.9 bar); SR: 70 to 115 psi (4.8 to 7.9 bar).

Maximum Supply Pressure    120 psi (8.6 bar).

Air Connections    DA03 thru DA11: 1/4" FNPT; SA03 thru SR11: 1/4" FNPT.

Housing Material    Anodized aluminum body and epoxy coated aluminum end caps.

Temperature Limits    -40 to 176°F (-40 to 80°C).

Accessory Mounting    NAMUR standard.


Electric "TD" and "MD" Series

Power Requirements    110 VAC, 220 VAC or 24 VAC.

Power Consumption    See instruction manual.

Cycle Time (per 90°)    TD01 and MD01: 4 s; TD02 and MD02: 20 s; TD03 and MD03: 30 s; TD04 and MD04: 30 s; TD05 and MD05: 30 s; TD06 and MD06: 45 s; TD07 and MD07: 30 s.

Duty Rating    85%.

Enclosure Rating    NEMA 4X (IP67).

Housing Material    Powder coated aluminum.

Temperature Limits    -22 to 140°F (-30 to 60°C).

Electrical Connection    1/2" female NPT.

Modulating Input    4 to 20 mA.

Standard Features    Manual override, position indicator, and TD models come with two limit switches.


Electric "TH" and "MH" Series

Power Requirements    110 VAC, 220 VAC, 24 VAC or 24 VDC.

Power Consumption    See instruction manual.

Cycle Time (per 90°)    See instruction manual.

Duty Rating    See instruction manual.

Enclosure Rating    NEMA 7, designed to meet hazardous locations: Class I, Group C & D; Class II, Group E, F & G; Division I & II.

Housing Material    Powder Coated Aluminum.

温度范围    -22 to 140°F (-30 to 60°C).

Electrical Connection    1/2" female NPT.

Modulating Input    4 到 20 mA.

Standard Features    Position indicator and two limit switches.





